
Télécharger A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook (The Paranormal) (English Edition) Livre PDF Gratuit


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A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook (The Paranormal) (English Edition) - de Janet Farrar (Author)

Caractéristiques A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook (The Paranormal) (English Edition)

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Le Titre Du FichierA Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook (The Paranormal) (English Edition)
Date de publication
TraducteurYordan Jackson
Nombre de Pages993 Pages
La taille du fichier70.65 MB
LangueFrançais & Anglais
ÉditeurHarvest House
Type de DonnéesEPub PDF AMZ DOCM RTF
AuteurJanet Farrar
Nom de FichierA-Witches'-Bible-The-Complete-Witches'-Handbook-(The-Paranormal)-(English-Edition).pdf

Télécharger A Witches' Bible: The Complete Witches' Handbook (The Paranormal) (English Edition) Livre PDF Gratuit

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Everything is here in this most comprehensive and revealing work on the principles rituals and beliefs of modern witchcraft including The Sabbats Casting Banishing the Magic Circle The Complete Book of Shadows The Great Rite Initiation Rites Consecration Rites Spells Witches’ Tools Witchcraft Sex Running a Coven Clairvoyance and Astral Projection

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